Readers' Comments on the Nigeria Report

Wayne Mathews: "There were problems on both sides about the medical equipment. What began as a sincere attempt to help the needy in Otukpo ended as a bitter feud. I was grieving that it became that. Samuel initially thought with his contacts in high places the equipment could be duty free, but at the same time, the Nigerian government started cracking down on corruption of officials who were declaring charitable imports and pocketing the customs fees as personal profits.

The only other comment I have regarding the condition of the equipment and expired medications are that the shipment was first delayed for several months by U.S. customs for inspection (paid for by U.S. brethren), and then delayed several more months in Lagos, Nigeria, where it sat in hot dusty warehouses. This no doubt affected the state of the equipment. I can personally attest that the equipment on the U.S. side was carefully packed and tested for function before it left. On another note, several thousand dollars of useful medical equipment, colonoscopes, operating equipment, pulse oximeters, etc. were brought by myself, Dr. Gordon Kim and Dr. Tom Hines in our medical visit working with Dr. Sunday. This was fully functional, top of the line stuff and given to Sunday by us, including training to use it."

March 29, '07, Anonymous:  "These reports are authentic. Most of the American visitors should be able to admit that the stories from Nigeria related in the third person, with some quotes from several persons, are what is really happening here. We may choose to live as we want or like, but one thing is certain. People are watching, and they may comment and pass their judgment. The greater judgment will be by the Lord Himself.

"One came in, two left" is true of the Assembly here. Now you can count the number of Leading Brothers in the Otukpo Assembly with your fingers. They do not allow Assemblyites to attend crusades and conferences by other ministries, and they do not permit openly speaking in tongues. They hide their TV sets and satellite dishes. Whenever GG or a team came from America, they would invite all the members from all locations to swell the hall in Otukpo to impress the American visitors. These are mostly people living below the poverty line, with worn out clothes and holes in their shoes. What the leaders failed to realize is that it is not gifts of money or equipment, film shows or a school that will draw men to God or to a group. It is the lifting up Jesus, who will draw all men to Himself by Himself. The four-letter word L-O-V-E is largely absent."

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