Evil: A Self-Examination
Scott Peck says, in his book, People of the Lie, "Evil...is dangerous. It will contaminate or otherwise destroy a person who remains too long in its presence." All of us who have spent time in the Geftakys Assembly, and especially former leaders, need to ask ourselves, not just, "Have we been hurt or abused?" but also, "Did I take on characteristics of evil?" Here are some questions to ask ourselves.
Am I less truthful?
Am I more ready to excuse a lie? To think that a lie is sometimes justified for a "good" reason? To lie to get my way? To lie to control someone, or control a situation, perhaps to someone else's detriment?
Am I controlling?
Do I use my rightness as an excuse to become more justified in insisting on my way? To be discourteous and contemptuous to win a point? To override the opinions or preferences of others to have the last word? To set things up so that I am the gatekeeper of information and access?
Have I expanded the areas over which I insist on being in control?
Do I tend to avoid collaborative situations, and assume that top-down organization is preferable?
Am I willful?
Do I find myself insisting on protesting my "innocence", especially when it might be to someone else's detriment, maybe my family, or others who need an apology from me?
Have I become less able to see my own faults and sins, less willing to admit them?
Am I less subject to the laws of the land? More inclined to cut corners in my business ethics, my taxes, my driving? Inclined to borrow and not return? Inclined to make agreements and excuse not keeping them?
Do I scapegoat?
Have I learned to quickly shift the focus onto someone else's perceived failings, and away from mine? Am I quick to accuse others of evil, less ready to see it in myself?
Have I become less empathetic, more narcissistic?
Do I impose my rightness on others instead of listening and understanding them? Am I more focused on what people think of me? Has this led to a blurring of sexual boundaries, to "innocent" flirtation?
Have I become more passive or dependent?
Have I become less able to make decisions on my own? Was I possibly in thrall to an evil person? Has this led to an inability to say no, or to keep appropriate boundaries, perhaps sexual boundaries?
Have I become more secretive?
Have I become less open? Have I developed a disguise to cloak my true self, or my motives? Do I keep certain of my activities hidden? What is my motivation?
Further reading related to narcissism:
• Narcissism Part 1 Malignant
Narcissism: Quotations from People of the Lie »
• Narcissism Part 2 Narcissistic Personality
Disorder (NPD) »
• Narcissism Part 3 Malignant
Narcissism: A Stage Production »
• Could There Have Been a Few Sociopaths among Us? »
• Cult of
the Narcissist »
• The Abuser's Body Language »
• Liars's Brains Are Wired
Differently »