Simple Trust
One of the ways in which many were "wounded" in the Assembly was to remove them from simple trust in what Christ accomplished for them. As happened with the Galatians, many of us went from simple faith into a works-based legalism which warped our walks, and damaged our souls. We went from simple trust in Christ to the pursuit of a "deeper life" that would make us more acceptable and somehow make us more "usable" for the Lord.
Because the thief on the cross did not have the opportunity to pursue the "deeper life", did he "lose out"? Of course not. We all know that Jesus said to him, "Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise". His simple trust in Jesus was salvation. At the beginning both thieves railed on him. Both were nailed in place; they could "do" nothing. One of them had a change of heart, repented, and asked "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom". It was a simple act of faith. There was nothing the thief did by way of "works" to save himself.
This is the simplicity that is in Christ. When Christ entered our lives he came in shouting, "It is finished", and we rejoiced in the joy of a complete salvation. There was not a thing we could do or add to this to make it any greater than it already was. It was all-encompassing and huge.
But then, we were deceived. We were told, "Salvation is only the beginning, my friends, it gets you through the door, but it is up to us to make our calling and election sure and to go on with Christ, and not to forfeit our entry into the inheritance". Salvation in all of its greatness and completion was belittled, and made to be only an entry (a door) into a "walk" which was dependent upon us and not the Lord.
The simplicity of faith was replaced with a works-based legalism which truly "wounded" our hearts and changed our perception of the great Savior and all that he had done for us. "It is finished" was replaced with "It is finished -- just two steps to go". We went from being helpless and looking to a Savior, to working for a Savior.
I think a great part of our recovery lies in getting back to where we should be. Return to the simplicity that is in Christ. Rejoice in all that is already done and in all you have already received. Cease from works-based righteousness, which only wounds us and leads us astray. Rest in the sufficient work of Christ to save us.