In Fond Remembrance of Our Dear Brother....
Parody of Geftakys Rhetoric
Dear Reverend Burt,
I, as a faithful Christian, seek to obey every command that I see in the Word of God. The other day I was reading 1 Samuel chapter 16, and in verse 1 it says, "Fill your horn with oil, and be on your way".
I really do not see the advantage to this. When I "honk" now there is a strange gurgling sound, and hardly anyone can hear me. Am I missing something?
Stu Weimerling
Boston, MA
Dear Brother,
"Faithful is he who called you, who will also do it." Thank God for the precious promises as we travel abroad on the highway of holiness. Our eyes our lifted upon the king in all His glory and our mind is set not on things below but those things that are above where Christ sits at the right hand of God.
I think you misunderstood that verse due to your lack of spiritual sensitivity and discernment. The horn is a type of Christ as expressed in the weekly announcements. It gives God's people a clarion call and marching orders for all who are following him out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light and life. Praise God. You see, my friends these are realities that we enjoy now, not somewhere someday beyond the blue, but now. Many people don’t know this and they settle for a same-tame ho-hum Christian life. But praise God we don’t get distracted with those who want to play church. We are on the kingdom road, my friend. We have heavenly stardust in our eyes.
The oil is the Holy Spirit that is released as we die to ourselves and let God do his crucifying work in our lives in order to release the precious flow of living water that comes from within. Thank God, many years ago when I was a young Marine, God broke me, and I daily know the inner sensitivity of God’s oil of life flowing in and through me. Thank God, I am crucified with Christ and it is not I who live but Christ who lives in me. You see, lots of people don’t want to hear about the cross. They want to be anesthetized with sermonettes for Christianettes. But here, we have capacity! Thank God for this ministry. I always say that it will either straighten you up or send you out. That’s the truth, my friends. Praise God.
I hope as you receive my instruction born out for fifty years of meditation on my knees on an open Bible - getting up every morning at 4 AM to spend my first five hours in prayer with my precious Savior opening the secrets of heaven - as my ministry has been preached on every continent in the world, that it brings insight, encouragement, healing and heavenly vision.
On the Journey,
A Faithful Brother for Plain Readers,
GG on the Heavenly Journey
Chapter Summary Bible Study Every Wednesday Night 7:00 PM, Pre-Prayer 6:45
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