Dan Notti Resigns as a Leading Brother in Fullerton, Jan. 13th, 2003

January 13, 2003

I Timothy 4:11-12, I Peter 5:2-3,5

Dearest family of God in Fullerton:

This letter is the result of a great deal of soul searching, discussion and prayer over the past few days. The events of the last five weeks have been some of the most grievous that I have experienced in my Christian life. The trials of this time have brought into sharp focus things I have been thinking and praying about for many months. And while I am not an elder, I hold myself to the same standards of excellence for your sakes and the testimony. That standard is "without reproach” and “having a good report of those who are without.” Several of you have called me in the last few weeks, with regard to the events surrounding the situation with David and Judy, to find out “what I knew and when I knew it.”

As more and more of you have called, it has become clear to me that the perceptions about my involvement in this situation have cast a shadow on my integrity, courage and impartiality. As a result, there is a question about my suitability to maintain a position of leadership in this Assembly. At this time, I feel that it is important that you have absolute confidence in those that are your guides and shepherds and therefore I am relinquishing my responsibilities as a Leading Brother in this assembly. I will not be participating in stated ministry or any other active leadership position, including special meetings, couples groups or visitation of other Assemblies, until that confidence and trust is fully and completely restored. I trust that through an example of genuine humility and lowliness this will be possible one day.

With regard to my culpability for the events that transpired in San Luis Obispo, there were at least three major incidents that I knew of that would have disqualified David and Judy immediately from any place of leadership in the Work and the Testimony. Two involved David and the third involved Judy. While I spoke to Betty about these things I did not speak to George directly about them at the time because he was out of the country. There were other things that I became aware of after those events that I did speak to George about. As early as July, 1998 I communicated in writing that David and Judy should be removed from responsibility and returned to Fullerton. In all of this I felt that I was acting with the best of intentions and genuinely felt that love should cover a multitude of sins.

However, not speaking out more stridently and urgently with regard to those three things prolonged the devastating consequences in San Luis Obispo. In this, I have sinned. I am deeply grieved by the consequences of my actions and ask for your forgiveness, as I will theirs. I can say, now, that without question I should have brought those situations to the attention of other brethren, and if action were not taken, I should have disassociated myself from the Work.

I trust that you will pray for me, as well as my wife and daughter who have been deeply affected by the events of the last five weeks. We are standing with the brethren here for a complete clearing of the issues that are now affecting this Testimony and trust that in standing for the truth there will be a breaking forth of new life and blessing in this place.

I can say from the bottom of my heart, I love you all.

Your brother in Christ:

Dan Notti

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