Dan Notti Apologizes to the San Luis Obispo Assembly, Jan. 13th, 2003


To the dear family of God in San Luis Obispo:

Enclosed you will find my letter of resignation from the leading brothers meeting in Fullerton. This was preceded some weeks ago by my resignation from the work. While the content of the first letter will explain my sense of responsibility for what has transpired in San Luis Obispo over the last several years, I felt that I needed to send you a personal note of apology.

I think most of you know me and know my burden over the years for all of you. San Luis Obispo has held a special place in my heart from the days it was just Keith, Jeff and a bunch of guys who wanted to serve the Lord. I have rejoiced with you and wept with you. And unfortunately it is the latter that I have had to do most of the last couple years. I acknowledge in my resignation that I sinned by not making known more widely the significant events that should have led to David and Judy's removal years ago. I must now ask you all to please forgive me for adding to your suffering by my actions. I can tell you honestly that if I would have been aware of the events that followed and the way things played out, I would not have allowed them to go unaddressed. But I did not speak out and you suffered. Please forgive me for that and any other offense that I may have given you.

I trust that you will stand together for what the Lord is doing in your midst, for while there has been failure there is also something unique that He is doing there. You have a special contribution to make to your community. Make it to the glory of God.

I love you and remain,

Your brother in Christ,

Dan Notti

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