George Geftakys Steps Down
January 3rd, 2003
Beloved friends and family of God in Fullerton (and elsewhere):
As you know from my letter, as of the 23rd of December 2002, of turning over responsibilities and privileges in the Work as to its direction and God's leading for the future to younger brethren because of perceived physical and health limitations at 75 years of age. Not knowing how much longer I have.
Also because of my increased absence due to extensive travel in the work, both at home and abroad, at least eight months out of the year: it is not possible to properly maintain responsibility as an elder in the local gathering of an assembly. Therefore it is appropriate for me to step down from this function and allow those who are here regularly to function freely in their leadership.
It has been a great privilege from the beginning of this Assembly, for over 30 years, to see its establishment, its great prosperity; dividing many times in blessing, the raising up of numerous assemblies from our midst. I have always found it a joy and privilege to labor with all the saints in this place.
It is with much love and continuing prayers that I take this decision for the future direction and good will in this place, before the Lord.
Brethren, pray for me and my continuing labor for the Lord.
My promise for you now, as always, has been: "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Ps. 133.1
As a father and brother in Christ:
I remain in the joy of serving Jesus,
Brother George