June 1994 - Kirk C.'s Memo to Mark Miller about the Misuse of Excommunication
To: Mark Miller
From: Kirk C.
Date: June 23, 1994
Subject: Leadership Authority
Dear Mark,
Per recent events here in SLO and because of accusations against the Work in general, the following questions have arisen. I would like your input in response to these so that I might be better prepared to respond to such questions. Please consider these in preparation for a discussion:
- At what time do the shepherds in a local gathering invoke the authority of Heb.13:17 and require submission? It should be assumed that the only way of enforcement of this authority is fellowship with the Lord's people. This means in the event of non-compliance/rebellion to the direction of leadership excommunication is the penalty.
- At what time is this authority misused so that the shepherds become lords over God's heritage (1Pet.5:3) controlling the lives of the sheep and acting as Nicolaitans?
If you would be available to talk about this I could call you in the near future for a brief discussion. Thank you for your consideration.
Very sincerely yours in Christ,
Kirk C.