The 2003 Implosion of the Assembly
In November, 2002, Brent T. began this website to expose long-standing spousal
abuse by the Geftakys' son, David, a Worker (leader in the overall ministry)
and leader in several Assemblies over the years. Evidence showed that George
and Betty Geftakys had known about it since the beginning, and allowed David
to remain in leadership. They covered up the abuse, and failed to protect
their daughter-in-law and grandchildren.
David Geftakys' Domestic Violence
In 1996, David beat his oldest daughter, Rachel, causing permanent injury. She obtained a restraining order against him. George and Betty could no longer keep the situation completely quiet. Leading Brothers in the Fullerton and San Luis Obispo Assemblies tried several times to persuade George to remove David from leadership and to provide counseling for him. George prevented any effective intervention, and continued to allow David to remain in leadership.
In 2000, Judy left David, fleeing in fear for her life. George allowed David to remain in good standing in the San Luis Obispo Assembly, against the protests of some of the local leaders. During the following year, 2001, almost half the people left the San Luis Obispo Assembly over the cover up, David's special treatment, and the lack of protection for Judy and the children. When this website was launched to expose the truth, George Geftakys pleaded ignorance about David's behavior, refusing to repent of covering it up.
George Geftakys' Sexual Assault and Excommunication
In early January, 2003, George and Betty left the Fullerton Assembly while the leaders were attempting to discipline him and bring him to accountability. During the following week George's sexual abuse of at least three women in the Assembly over the years came to light. On January 19, 2003, the leaders in the Fullerton Assembly excommunicated him from the Fullerton Assembly.
Disbanding of Many Assemblies
There was great anger and indignation, not only against George Geftakys, but also against the leaders who had not stopped his wicked behavior over the years. The situation blew up from there and really broadened. As people began talking, things that had not previously been exposed began coming to light. Puzzle pieces began to fit together:
- the financial secrecy
- how the Geftakys' had treated people over the years
- George's expressions of narcissism
- the ineffectiveness of the leaders to deal with David Geftakys domestic violence
The collusion of the leadership to enforce a code of silence became evident in a shocking way. People were told not to read this website, aserting that it was all lies spewed out by disgruntled former members. In some Assemblies the letter of excommunication was not read. Assembly people were devastated by the betrayal. Many left the Geftakys ministry immediately, including some Leading Brothers and Workers. Local Assemblies dwindled. Many disbanded entirely during that year, but a few remained staunchly loyal to George.