Analysis of George's Preface to His Poem 'Apocalypse XII'
George Geftakys published this "spiritual poem" entitled Apocalypse XII in 2001. Reprinted below is the preface to the pamphlet. Phrases in bold are as shown in the original printed version of the pamphlet. The front cover of the pamphlet is a drawing of the Great Wonder in Heaven. Chapter One of the poem follows, stanzas three through six, "Vision of a Suffering Seer", and analysis by Steve Irons. If you want to understand George, make an attempt to be "one in one" as you read the poem, experience the "individual exchange" he describes, i. e., "Be in George and let George be in you." Experience his mentality. Then ponder the identity of the "royal seed".
Interestingly, in the very early years of the Assembly George took Margaret aside and told her about a dream God had given him many years ago, in which a serpent representing his ministry encircled the globe.
A. Composition, Reason for the Poem
The conviction that the 12th chapter of Revelation is the key to the Apocalypse is the reason for this series. That determines the meaning of the whole book. It is presupposed that the man-child represents the symbolic one hundred and forty four thousand of chapter 14. In the 13th chapter you see the strategy of the Beast, the Anti-Christ. His focus is against the man-child caught up to the tabernacle and those that have access before the throne. So that chapters 12, 13, 14 become a parenthetical interpretation for the whole book. It is this suggestive interpretation and vision that gives inspiration for the series Apocalypse XII.
B. Character, Nature of the Poem
The meaning of a spiritual poem has to be something far more than a doctrinal comprehension i.e. an intellectual acknowledgment. It must have a spiritual reality. So to speak as it were a word within. Because the significance of a spiritual poem is the ability to put in verse something that has been truly ascertained through a full conviction. What is meant by that is the perception and real assimilation of that which has been envisioned. Not only a full consciousness of vision, and a sound apprehension of what has been revealed, but that it has been so assimilated into the consciousness of the poet that it has become a part of his identifiable thought. In such a manner, it can be transmitted in a poetical method of metaphor and rhythm, though it be in free verse. So that the music of words enters into an appreciation of the reader and hearer. Such can be appreciated through the conscious feeling and the affective judgment of an individual exchange. In this way, there is a unity through the one in one. Thereby is a real appreciation, communion of spirits, a true fellowship of the heart, as real companions of the soul.
C. Consequence, Possibility of the Poem
Finally, herein is achieved a new transcendence, the possibility of a new identity, a new person. In like manner, something of enduring and eternal value has been transmitted which lifts one to a higher level, a new stage and a new reality in living time. However, there is something else that is possible: the absorption of such a reality in one's life and the meaning of new identity, also follows that of a new authority. That is the whole meaning of living time. There is imparted to the individual to the extent of that measure a new poise, composure, and equanimity of being a person. It is in this way we become conformed to the image of the One. How is this? We have a living demonstration through the one in one, the communication of an envisioned life to endow the lives of others, because of the transcendent reality of the One.
Such is the expectation and aspiration with which this series on Apocalypse XII is sent forth.
Apocalypse XII, Chapter 1, Stanzas 3 through 6
Elect lady spun in pain with child
The stars travail an awesome reach of Draco's trail
Seven-horned Serpent armed with hate
Devour that
child as soon as birthed
Michael pursued with blinding light
A rod to rule and scepter shake
all heavenly
realm and earth
Before the sigma age begun
A planisphere wonder in the Lamb
And far below a testimony of the
For in their
radiance shone
Shekinah glory an incarnate form
Appareled golden light framed eyes
Held mystery
of the stars and brazen feet
Stigmatic wound upon the soul
The horn emerged through the palm
The quill that held the hand
There hidden
in its power
Ciphered signature 'longated life
Consignment scripted sealed with
A woman
enfante paradise
Such vision tries the sanctified heart
A searching probe of two-edge sword
Ten days of tribulation to be cast
By blood of
Lamb they overcame
Confessed the purifying word that kept
Slandered imprisoned unto death
Royal seed
loved and enthroned
Steve's Remarks
Endowed by "an envisioned life"
I don't pretend to understand everything that George is talking about here. However, I do "pick up" on an immense egotism being expressed.
In section B "Character, Nature of the Poem" George uses the phrase "one in one". This seems to be referring to two people having fellowship together. The phrase seems to represent the experience of one soul involved with another soul in intimacy and communion.
George describes it as "a real appreciation, communion of spirits, a true fellowship of the heart, as real companions of the soul." Keep that phrase in mind because he is going to use it again in the next section.
In section C "Consequence, Possibility of the Poem" George talks about what he hopes to accomplish by publishing this poem. It is quite amazing! He hopes to achieve "a new transcendence", "a new identity", and "a new authority" in the life of another.
"In living time" (which I take to mean right now where we are), this poem is capable of imparting "a new poise, composure, and equanimity of being" in another person. "In this way we become conformed to the image of the One [Christ]". In other words this poem can bring about the image of Christ in that person.
He asks, "How is this?" His answer, "We have a living demonstration through the one in one, the communication of an envisioned life to endow the lives of others." There's that phrase again "one in one".
That is, as George (who possesses the "envisioned life") fellowships and communes with a person using the "metaphor and rhythm" of this poem, that person will be endowed with the image of Christ which consists of "a new transcendence", "a new identity", and "a new authority".
What incredible egotism we find here. It is no longer the Word of God working through the Spirit of God that transforms us, but it is the author's poetry!
"A word within"
In section B "Character, Nature of the Poem", George tells us that "a spiritual poem" is to be far more than a "doctrinal comprehension i.e. an intellectual acknowledgment. It must have a spiritual reality...a word within."
George sounds very much like Friedrich Schleiermacher (the father of modern liberalism) who espoused that when we want to understand a biblical author we should develop a subjective appreciation for the author's way of thinking and saying.
The interpreter should "transform himself, so to speak, into the gain an immediate comprehension of the author as an individual." George is saying the same thing.
George wants to be understood in this "subjective" kind of way and he believes it is how the biblical writers are to be understood as well.
Let me illustrate. In section A, "Composition, Reason for the Poem", George states that it is his "conviction" that the "man-child" in Chapter 12 represents the 144,000 of chapter 14. These 144,000 possess an ethical character that is so far superior to other believers that as a result they will be "caught up" to the throne as their reward.
But nearly all commentators agree that the "child" is Christ. He is the One "who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron." This expression is clearly borrowed from Psalm 2:9, a Messianic psalm. And Christ applies it to Himself in Revelation 2:27. The name "the son (or seed) of a woman" is used elsewhere to indicate the Christ (Gen. 3:15; Gal. 4:4).
What I am doing here is letting Scripture interpret Scripture rather than allowing my own personal presuppositions mold and temper my understanding of who the child is that will rule all nations. This is the only safe and sane way of interpreting the Bible.
But George's subjective "conviction" gets in the way of what God is saying. George's own thoughts and presuppositions become authoritative, rather than God's thoughts. His own "convictions" lay an interpretive grid over the Scriptures. They prevent the teaching of the Bible itself from molding and tempering his thoughts. He's got it backwards.
So I cannot accept George's personal "conviction". It may sound novel and interesting, but there is no warrant for it from the Word of God. George's subjective "word within" has caused him to deviate from a Scriptural understanding of the book of Revelation. That's the danger of subjective interpretation.
If you hesitate to believe that the child of the woman indicates the Christ, compare verse 5 with verse 10; when the child is "snatched up to God and to his throne" and the dragon is hurled down to the earth, heaven sings, "Now is come the salvation...of our God and the authority of his Christ." So even the immediate context of the chapter confirms that the child is the Christ.
Comments from Readers
Amy Cahill, April 8, 2008 "So many big words, because I is smart and has large vocabulary (besides, if you can't understand half of what I say, you will think you are the one with the problem!) For some reason, this screams "occult!" to me. Just an impression, a feeling I can't put my finger on or verify. It's like a pattern I somehow recognize and not sure how or why. Something about the way the words are phrased, and look at the picture. Am I mistaken, or is there an eye down there? Isn't that a Masonic symbol?"