Typical Brother's Weekly Schedule

This is the schedule of a brother living in a Brother's Training Home, circa 1988. A detailed schedule was a requirement of everyone living in a Training Home. Typically, schedules showed half hour increments; some homes required them to be color coded.

This particular brother was a college graduate in his late twenties who was working a full-time job. He lived in our home, the Irons' House of Peace, with our family of five, and four other singles. He had a few more stewardships than guys in other houses, since two of us were on the modified Gerson cancer therapy, which required an extra refrigerator, a water distiller, etc. This brother was very responsible and did not accrue many "consequences", but otherwise this schedule is fairly typical.

Key to abbreviations: MT - morning time; ET - evening time; CS - chapter summary; PT - prayer tower; JHM - juvenile hall ministry. His "meeting with M" was an optional weekly meeting at his request with me for individual discipling. He requested to be allowed to drop the juvenile hall ministry in order to have more time to meditate to prepare for giving ministry, and to have some time for physical exercise.

The head of a house was required to discuss any schedule modification with the leader of a ministry and get their agreement to let someone drop out. In this case, we disagreed. I felt that this schedule was grueling. Essentially I 'pulled rank' and insisted that this brother be allowed to drop the juvenile hall ministry.