Table of Contents
Section 1: High-Demand Churches
The Dynamics of High Demand Church
Structure of the System
Unethical Influence
Toxic Leaders
Spiritual Abuse
Clergy Sexual Abuse
The Damages
Emotional, Psychological & Cognitive Issues
Social & Relational Losses
Physical & Neurological Damages
Spiritual Issues
Letters to Wounded Pilgrims
Assembly Kids
Assembly Child Training Instruction
Assembly Child Training in Practice
Critiques of these Methods
Neurological Implications
Assembly Kids Tell Their Own Stories
Assembly Marriages
Assembly Teaching on Marriage
How the Instruction Was Implemented
Harsher Measures
Domestic Violence in the Assembly
Faith at Risk
Getting Back to the Foundaion of Faith
Sanctification by Faith, Not by Trying Harder
The Christian Life - Not Performance Driven
The Will of God - Not Mystical
General Encouragement
The Church - Organism and Organization
Union with Christ
Leadership in the Church
Christian Marriage.
Christian Books
Secular Books
Section 2: History and Archive of the Geftakys Assemblies
The Geftakys Ministry at a Glance
The Assembly Story
The Final Weeks of the Geftakys Ministry
Former Assembly Locations and Leaders
Current Status of Groups and Leaders
People Tell Their Stories
Creative Writing
Updates about Former Members
Assembly Documents